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Trust scores highly in inpatient survey

Inpatients rated the overall experience of care at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust as 8.8 out of 10, according to results from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) national adult inpatient survey.

The findings are based on the replies of more than 650 patients who stayed at Royal Brompton or Harefield Hospital for at least one night in July last year.

Questions in the survey covered waiting lists, the hospital and ward, doctors, nurses, care and treatment, operations and procedures, leaving hospital and overall impressions of their stay.

Highlights for the Trust include:

  • 91 per cent of inpatients said they were treated with respect and dignity
  • 94 per cent of inpatients always had confidence and trust in their doctors
  • 95 per cent of inpatients said they always had enough privacy when being examined or treated.

Jan McGuinness, director of patient experience and transformation, said: “The national adult inpatient survey results along with all other forms of feedback from our patients allows us to get a real understanding of patient experience and where to focus our improvement efforts."

A number of areas for improvement were identified. The pre-admission and discharge phase of the patient journey will continue to be an area to work on. Trust staff will look at how this feedback in their areas can be addressed over the coming year.

Read the full inpatient survey results for 2015 on the CQC website.
