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Public Health England Report on Norovirus with Advice for Patients and Visitors

Statistics from Public Health England [1] have shown an increase in norovirus in the local community. The virus, also known as the winter vomiting bug, causes diarrhoea and vomiting.

Norovirus symptoms usually last between 24 and 48 hours, and most people recover very quickly.

Advice for patients

Patients due for admission, or with an outpatient appointment, are reminded of the following advice:

Please phone ahead as usual to confirm your attendance. However, if you have had norovirus symptoms in the last 72 hours, or been in contact with anyone who has, please make sure you mention this to the ward/clinic staff.

Visiting our hospitals

We are committed to reducing the risk of infection and keeping our patients safe. We ask all visitors to remember the following:

  • please stay at home if you have a cold, infection or diarrhoea and vomiting, and only visit when you have been completely symptom free for 72 hours
  • please washing your hands with soap and water and alcohol hand gel when visiting hospital.

Thank you for helping us keep our patients safe.

If you have symptoms that you feel may be norovirus,  rest and drink plenty of fluids. If you are still unwell after four or five days,  speak to your GP or call  NHS 111.

[1] PHE report summary of surveillance of norovirus and rotavirus 30 November 2016
