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First successful lung transplant for a Covid patient in the UK

The first patient in the UK who required a double lung transplant due to complications from Covid-19 has been successfully discharged from Harefield Hospital after his transplant in June.

The patient, who recently turned 50, Cesar Franco, contracted Covid-19 just prior to Christmas 2021. Prior to this Cesar was fit and healthy with no underlying health conditions. Within a few days however, he was admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital after his condition deteriorated to the point where he had to be placed on a ventilator and life support machine.

Image of Cesar Franco

Cesar went on to develop covid pneumonitis, an inflammation of the lungs, leading to lung fibrosis. Fibrosis is a scarring of the lung tissue and meant that Cesar was unable to breathe independently. He remained in the Intensive Care Unit for five months before being transferred to Harefield Hospital, where he went on to receive a double lung transplant; the first of its kind in the UK.

Professor John Dunning, Director of heart and lung transplantation at Harefield Hospital and Cesar’s surgeon said, “Cesar’s story exemplifies everything that is great about the NHS, receiving excellent care throughout his journey. He was someone with an acute illness whose condition deteriorated to a point where he required the expert care from ICU staff and mechanical life support.

“At this point it was almost like he was a prisoner in ICU, shackled to life support machines which were the difference between life and death. Freedom from this prison happened when he was referred to the lung transplant service at Harefield and was given a second chance at life.

“He received his transplant and was rehabilitated to return home a couple of months after his operation. He is now flourishing and is able to spend time with his wife and son, less than a year on from acquiring a life-threatening illness.

“Cesar was fortunate because he was able to receive a transplant. We have seen a decrease in organ donors since the beginning of the pandemic, and as a result, many patients on transplant lists not living long enough to receive an organ.”

Over five months on from his transplant, Cesar is back at home recuperating with his friends and family. He is able to take daily walks, help out with household chores and spend quality time with his wife and son after a long period of time spent away from them.

Speaking about his time at hospital, Cesar Franco said, “It was a very frightening experience and I didn’t know if I would ever leave the hospital. I initially was hesitant when the doctors spoke to me about transplantation; I wanted my body to heal on its own, but it quickly became clear that this wasn’t an option for me, I was just so unwell.

“The doctors, nurses and physiotherapists that were by my side during my time in the hospital became my rock. They all treated me with the most respect, professionalism and compassion. They made sure to support me physically and emotionally during my lowest and most vulnerable times. I can’t thank them enough for taking care of me.

“My donor gave me the gift of life with their selfless decision to be an organ donor. I am now able to live my life again and I want to get everything out of life now I have been given this precious gift. Thank you to my donor, thank you to their family and thank you to the medical teams who have all got me to where I am now. And last but not least, I am endlessly thankful for my lovely wife and son for always showing me their love and support during this difficult time.”
