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Congenital heart disease campaign resumes with launch of new film

CHD crowdCampaigners fighting the closure of the Trust’s congenital heart disease (CHD) services today launch a new film to encourage people to respond to NHS England’s public consultation.

The film, recorded at the supporters’ rally and march, features a number of patients and their families explaining, in their own words, what the impact would be of closing the hospital’s CHD services on their future care and treatment. 

It also includes interviews with members of staff from across the organisation and supportive words from Greg Hands, MP for Chelsea and Fulham, and Royal Brompton patient and former speaker of the House of Commons, Baroness Boothroyd. The film was funded by Friends of Royal Brompton Hospital, Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Charity and The Brompton Fountain. 

Commenting, medical director Dr Richard Grocott-Mason, said: “It makes no sense to try and improve care by closing one of the biggest, well-performing services, or by destroying research teams that are leading the way in finding new treatments for the future. As a doctor, I cannot understand how NHS England’s plan would result in patients receiving better care.”

Watch the film online here.

NHS England announced proposals to decommission (stop paying for) the Trust’s world-leading CHD services last year, subject to public consultation.

Further information and background is available in this section, including how our services meet the outcomes of all of NHS England’s proposed new rules around CHD services, and the impact on patients and families of closing the service.

These would include the hospital’s paediatric intensive care unit also closing, meaning a number of other vital children’s heart and lung services will have to be withdrawn, forcing children with conditions like cystic fibrosis and difficult asthma to find care elsewhere. 

NHS England have not yet explained what they have planned to ensure these patients continue to receive the care they need.

Join the fight today

Respond to the consultation online – further guidance on completing it is available on Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Charity website.
